Many months ago, i taught Hong Zheng to sing birthday song to his grandpas as both his grandpa birthday fall in Aug and Oct. So, each time when he sang birthday song, he will say "Happy birthday to Gong Gong". After his granpas, next will be Hong Zheng's birthday. He sang "Happy birthday to me!". I always asked him if he wanted to have a cheesecake for his birthday and what topping he wants? He named Kiwi, mango, strawberry, blueberry and finally he wanted purple grapes as his topping. So, this was the birthday cake i baked for him. Topped with fresh strawberries and grapes. I bought these plane candles many months ago during Tesco sell. The motivation of learning cheesecake baking was actually came from hopping to bake a birthday for my son and it came true! Look, he was so excited with the cake and candle. Hong Zheng, may my son healthy and happy forever. Mommy loves you forever more.

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