Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sick again!

Do you know how much machine i store up in my fridge. How often me and Hong Zheng have been visited clinic, hospital and specialist in the past one month?? At least 5 times for visiting and 10 bottles of medicine.

What are them and what are the purpose?
HEXBIO Pro-batic 5 sachets - 1 sach per day. This diary supplement was prescribed lately due to Hong Zheng complained to me he has stomach-ache. Helps to control diarrhea.

Smecta Dioctahedral Smectite 3g - 5 saches - Half sach per consumption. To stop diarrhea. I do not give this to Hong Zheng as he only has loose stools twice a day which i think it is still ok.

Hydrinate yellow liquid - 6ml per comsumption to contol vomitting. I only never give this to him as he did not throw up seriously. Only once a day and not then serious vomit.

Allergic transparent liquid 2.5ml per consumption - Hong Zheng lately started to react to medication. Rashes grow in when under medication. Medication allergic. I have no choice but to give him this each time to see rashes grow in. Pity boy.

Fever pink liquid - His number one medicine. Hong Zheng fever can easyily shoot up to 39C once he was in fever.

Brown and white liquid for cough - White machine started to prescribe by Dr Lee CM from Pantai Hospital ever since he detected Hong Zheng has whizzy cough. I was told this machine can only sold through doctor's prescibition. Brown liquid is the normal cough medicine. This is only his frequent "visitor".

What else...they are more to come...

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